Trash Pick Up & Recycling Information

Trash service is provided by Disposal Services LLC. They may be contacted at 703-670-9652. The service schedule is:
Trash Collection: Monday & Thursday
Recycling Collection: Monday
Yard Waste Collection: Wednesday (March – December)
Christmas Tree Collection: First Two Weeks of January
The trucks begin their route at 6:00 AM. The trucks normally maintain the same route each pickup day. However, the amount of trash varies from day to day, and other factors may impact the routes, making it difficult to guarantee a pick-up time. To be assured of pickup, your trash must be out by 6:00 AM. We encourage you to place the trash out the night before, after dusk if possible.
*There is no trash service on Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, and New Year's Day. Collection will be canceled on days when the weather has made the roads unsafe due to ice and snow.
All single-family homes and townhomes in the Highland Chase, Knightsbridge and Wimbley townhome neighborhoods and the Somerset Condominium have been provided with a wheeled trash cart. Residents of the Devonwood and Lakeview townhome neighborhoods are responsible for providing their own trash container. Each home in Westridge has been provided with a recycle bin or recycle cart. Trash carts and recycle bins are the property of Disposal Services and are to remain in the property for the new residents when you move. Remember you are responsible for the care and cleaning of your trash container and recycle bin.
If your trash cart or recycle bin is in need of repair or replacement, please call Disposal Services at 703-670-9652. To replace a lost or stolen trash cart or recycle bin, please contact the Westridge Clubhouse at 703-590-1600.
In accordance with the Prince William County Code and the Westridge Guidelines,
Trash is to be placed in a sealed, secure container. This means a covered trash can or a wheeled cart provided by Disposal Services. Containers should be placed at curb side in front of your residence. Please do not pile the trash in front of the mailboxes. If you need to use more than one container, you may use any covered trash container.
Recycling materials must be placed in the recycling bin or container provided by Disposal Services OR in a container labeled “Recycling.”
The following items may be commingled in the same recycling container. Do NOT use plastic bags for recycling.
- Aluminum cans, aluminum foil & trays rinsed and cleaned, metal food & beverage cans
- Plastics bottles and jugs (#1 and #2)
- Newspapers, mixed paper, junk mail, magazines, phone books and catalogs
- Empty aerosol cans
- Cardboard boxes must be broken down and flattened
Unacceptable recycling items: Glass, plastic containers and tubs (#3 - #7) plastic food trays and cups, clam-shell containers, light bulbs, glassware, ceramics, pots and pans, paper plates and napkins, batteries, Styrofoam cups, plates, bowls and to go food containers
Glass may be recycled by placing it in the purple bins located in the large McCourt Administration Building parking lot at the County Complex.
For more information about recycling, visit
For information about what can be recycled at the grocery store, visit
Yard waste must be placed in compostable paper yard waste bags or loose in a container labeled “Yard Waste." Labels are available at the Prince William County Landfill and the Balls Ford Road Compost Facility. Self-made labels are also acceptable. Yard waste cannot be placed in plastic bags. Tree limbs and brush should be secured in bundles up to two feet in diameter and cut to 4-5 foot in length. Bundles are not to exceed 50 pounds. Rocks, sod and dirt are not acceptable.
Christmas trees will be collected on the first two Wednesdays in January. All tinsel and decorations must be removed. Trees should not be placed in plastic bags.
Large items, appliances, furniture, moving boxes and other bulky items that your family does not generate on a weekly basis need may be left at curb side with your trash for pick up on Monday or Thursday. Items should be placed at curb side the evening before the scheduled trash pick-up day.
The following items will not be picked up by Disposal Services.
- Oil, paint, dead animals, construction materials, dirt, toxic or flammable items, batteries;
- Packing peanuts that are not secured in a bag;
- Tree stumps from trees larger than six inches in diameter;
- Logs from fallen or cut down trees;
- Any item that cannot be safely loaded and hauled away.